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Subliminal froth: Rick’s nasty ad

Subliminal Froth

by digby

No more Mr Nice Guy:

He’s supposed to be a lovely guy with traditional values and a love for children and animals. But he’s a nasty piece of work. Despite their sanctimonious protestations to the contrary, that quick cut in the ad that juxtaposes Ahmadinejad and Obama is a very creepy, underhanded trick.

The Republicans love to do this. ( Recall the famous RATS ad.) But this one is especially low because it’s obviously aimed at the none-too-bright right wingers who believe that Obama is a Muslim usurper — which is just another racist dog-whistle with a little xenophobia and religious intolerance thrown in for good measure. Newtie must be very jealous — this is his stock and trade.

Santorum may wear sweater vests and break into tears at a moments notice, but don’t believe it. Like most patriarchal throwbacks he is one mean bastard.


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