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“Go Back To Your Country, You Terrorist”, by @DavidOAtkins

“Go Back To Your Country, You Terrorist”

by David Atkins


Shaima Alawadi, an Iraqi woman living in Southern California who was found severely beaten next to a threatening note saying “go back to your country,” died on Saturday.

Hanif Mohebi, the director of the San Diego chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said he met with Shaima Alawadi’s family members in the morning and was told that she was taken off life support around 3 p.m.

“The family is in shock at the moment. They’re still trying to deal with what happened,” Mohebi said.

Alawadi, a 32-year-old mother of five, had been hospitalized since her 17-year-old daughter found her unconscious Wednesday in the family’s house in El Cajon, police Lt. Steve Shakowski said.

The daughter, Fatima Al Himidi, told KUSI-TV her mother had been beaten on the head repeatedly with a tire iron, and that the note said “go back to your country, you terrorist.”

Addressing the camera, the tearful daughter asked: “You took my mother away from me. You took my best friend away from me. Why? Why did you do it?”

I’m sure the murderer considers him or herself to be a God-fearing conservative upset with this invasion of foreign-looking people and foreign values into their sacred country. Based on that definition, might be tempted to call the murderer an “insurgent.”

As with the Trayvon Martin case, let’s hope that justice is done in this case as soon as possible. We’re seeing the violent result of conservative paranoid ideology, one pointless murder at a time.


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