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Choices, by @DavidOAtkins


by David Atkins

It’s amazing the choices people make. Michele Bachmann agrees:

BACHMANN: One argument that the government was trying to make is that somehow health care is uniquely different. That government can regulate it because everyone participates. Health insurance is not uniquely different. It’s still an opportunity that some people choose to engage in, but 40 million people do not. And the premise was made that people don’t buy insurance because they can’t afford it. That’s not true. There are people who just decide they want to roll the dice and take their chances that they won’t need insurance.

You know, that’s totally true. I know a few people who can afford a Bentley but don’t drive one. They choose to go without a Bentley. Which also means that the other 300 million Americans who don’t own a Bentley simply choose not to drive one. Money’s no object: they just roll the dice on a less prestigious car. Their loss.

Choices, choices, choices…


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