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More Job-Killing Regulation. Oh, wait… by @DavidOAtkins

More Job-Killing Regulation. Oh, wait…

by David Atkins

Remember how the EPA refused to regulate the neonicotinoid pesticides that killing all the bees?

Well, now it’s the FDA’s turn. From the OnEarth blog:

BPA is here to stay. This afternoon, federal regulators rejected a request to remove the hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol-A from all food and drink packaging, including can linings and plastic bottles.

Officials say there’s not enough scientific evidence to justify taking action, despite the widespread health concerns of doctors and public health advocates who supported a ban. (“Ludicrous,” “bogus,” “illogical,” were some of the responses from scientists and health authorities to the decision.)

“While evidence from some studies have raised questions as to whether BPA may be associated with a variety of health effects, there remain serious questions about these studies, particularly as they relate to humans,” the Food and Drug Administration said in its response to a petition

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