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When terrorism is no big deal

When terrorism is no big deal

by digby

And nobody gives a damn …

Police are looking for a suspect after a bomb went off Sunday night outside a Planned Parenthood clinic in Grand Chute, Wisc.

WGBA, the NBC affiliate in Green Bay, reported the explosion did only a small amount of damage to the building. The television station did not report any injuries.

What? No terrorist manhunt? Why not?

Ask yourself how this would be treated if it were an airport? Or a bank?

I realize that Planned Parenthood clinics have been getting bombed for decades and it would seem that most of the country thinks that’s not a problem. Or at least Republican politicians and the religious people of the right don’t since they incite this stuff on a daily basis. But still, you’d think there would be just a little bit more disapprobation. When you have the police agencies at all levels of government sparing no expense or manpower to chase down elusive threats from deadbeat muslim terrorist wannabes (not to mention innocent people)you’d think there would be a little bit more concern about a decades-long terrorist threat against American women exercising their constitutional rights. At least enough of a concern that major candidates for president of the United States wouldn’t feed the flames by pandering to the would-be terrorists.

Update: Let’s just say it also isn’t helpful when major newspapers run articles that are filled with misinformation and lies on the subject.


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