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Women don’t care about contraception

Women don’t care about contraception

by digby

Nikki Haley wants to keep the government out of the bedroom. Or something:

“All of my policy is not based on a label,” Haley remarked. “It’s based on what I’ve lived and what I know: Women don’t care about contraception. They care about jobs and the economy and raising their families and all of those things.”

“We care about contraception too,” co-host Joy Behar interrupted.

“But that’s not the only thing they care about,” Haley replied, slightly revising her earlier assertion. “The media wants to talk about contraception. … While we care about contraception, let’s be clear. All we’re saying is we don’t want government to mandate when we have to have it and when we don’t. We want to be able to make that decision.”

Well hell, why didn’t anyone tell me that the government was going to mandate when women had to have contraception and when they didn’t? That would be terrible.

Here I thought that contraception only had to be offered at no cost as part of insurance policies’ preventive care package. I should have known the Obamacommies wanted the government to intrude into the intimate details of women’s reproductive lives. Thank God the social conservatives are out there fighting against that. Oh wait …

Update: Nicole Belle has the video and more.


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