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The Republican Brain on display

The Republican Brain on display

by digby

Chris Mooney, author of the new book The Republican Brain is not a partisan hack, he’s a respected journalist who writes about public understanding of science:

He is a senior correspondent for The American Prospect and a contributing editor for Science Progress. Additionally, he maintains a weblog, The Intersection, with Sheril Kirshenbaum and writes an online column named Doubt and About for the magazine Skeptical Inquirer, where he serves as a contributing editor. He is the author of three books: The Republican War on Science, released in 2005; Storm World: Hurricanes, Politics, and the Battle Over Global Warming, released in 2007; and Unscientific America, co-written with Kirshenbaum, released in 2009.[The new book makes four — ed]

Recurring topics in Mooney’s writing include global warming, the evolution-creation controversy, bioethics, alternative medicine, pollution, separation of church and state, and the government funding of education, research, and environmental protection.

In 2009, he joined the Center for Collaborative History at Princeton University for the Spring semester as a visiting associate.

In 2009–10, Chris Mooney was a Knight Science Journalism Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Only 10 to 12 journalists from the U.S. and around the world are accepted for such a fellowship per year.

In February 2010, Mooney became a Templeton-Cambridge Journalism Fellow at the Templeton Foundation.

I, of all people, am not saying that credentials mean everything. But SE Cupp should be just a little bit less condescending and rude toward a journalist with Chris Mooney’s CV when her claim to fame is working as a commentator on Glenn Beck TV, a network nobody watches, run by a man so crazy even FoxTV had to let him go — and her comments are all lies or obfuscations.

I’m not sure why Alex Wagner has her on, but if it’s to expose the childish arrogance of the wingnut welfare crowd, it’s getting the job done.


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