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Partisan (Judicial) Review

Partisan (Judicial) Review

by digby

From Up With Chris Hayes today. Important to note that at the end of the previous segment Jonathan Alter helpfully pointed out the Village wisdom that “Democrats started it” and then muttered a bunch of stuff about liberals on the courts. This is where the conversation picked up:

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Yep. We can have as many right wing fascists on the court but Democrats should only nominate people who “moderate” and have a “reasonable” judicial temperament.

These Village “liberals” are killing us. He is completely wrong about this. If the people didn’t give a shit that a partisan court stole an election, giving them a lecture about the Obamacare mandate isn’t going to get the job done.

No, we are living in an ideologically polarized age and this guy wants liberals to stand around tittering politely about how wrong it is that we be so. History shows how well that works out for them when the other side has gone mad.


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