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Your Upper of the day

Your Upper of the day

by digby
Why Romney will govern from the right:

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I think that’s right. The Villagers will undoubtedly do everything they can to turn Romney into the “Bloomberg pragmatist” they long for. But it won’t make him a moderate — even if he wants to be one.
And this radical Republican Party will keep him on a very short leash. He would never have the nerve to anger them — and he’s not someone who has shown any inclination in his career to do anything brave or ideologically divergent from his base of the moment, whether liberal in Massachusetts or conservative nationally. As Hayes says, the president is the Party and the Party is the president.

There’s a lesson there for those who aren’t happy with Barack Obama as well. In fact, if you’d like to change the Democratic Party, here’s a good place to start:Blue America 12
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