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“Check this out, bodyguard”

“Check this out, bodyguard”

by digby

This person could have been a heartbeat away from the presidency:

“Well, this agent who was kind of ridiculous there in posting pictures and comments about checking someone out,” Palin told Greta van Susteren on her FOX News program. “Well check this out, bodyguard — you’re fired. And I hope his wife sends him to the doghouse. As long as he’s not eating the dog, along with his former boss. Greta, you know, a lot of people will just, I guess say that this is boys being boys. And boys will be boys, but they shouldn’t be in positions of authority.”

“It’s a symptom of government run amok, though, Greta. Who is minding the store here? And when it comes to this particular issue of Secret Service, again, playing with the taxpayer’s dime and playing with prostitutes and checking out those whom they are guarding….”

If you don’t know the context, apparently one of the SS agents who was fired had been on the Palin detail and said he’d “checked her out.” He sounds like a jerk. But not as big a jerk as Palin, who as far as anyone can tell, does absolutely nothing with her time.

A sidenote: I heard some people yesterday talking about this scandal who pointed out that the Secret Service had become a much less professional organization since it was removed from the Treasury Department and moved into the behemoth Department of Homeland Security. Shocking, I know.


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