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Romney campaign: Sign up or else (Don’t worry we won’t tell anyone..)

Sign up or else (Don’t worry we won’t tell anyone..)

by digby

Via Gawker, I find that Mitt Romney is now demanding loyalty oaths.Or, at least, he’s making delegates sign pledges of support at the convention in order to attend a reception and get their pictures taken with him.

However, knowing that many Republicans don’t want to be publicly associated with their nominee, they helpfully provided an option for people to keep their loyalty pledge a secret.

Some of them weren’t buying:

All three members of Iowa’s conservative RNC delegation – party chairman A.J. Spiker and committee members Steve Scheffler and Kim Lehman – attempted to enter the reception but were rebuffed after refusing to sign the delegate pledge.

The dispute became heated in the hallway outside, with the Iowans demanding to know why they had to sign a form to get their picture taken with the former Massachusetts governor.

Several of Romney’s deputies on the committee assured the trio that they could keep their support a secret by checking the appropriate box, but they refused to do so.

“They don’t trust us,” a frustrated Scheffler said after the argument. “I have said I will support the nominee when we have a nominee, no ifs, ands or buts.”

Well, obviously. But they seem to want to pull the wool over the eyes of GOP voters as well. Why else would they allow their delegates to pretend not to be their delegates in public while secretly requiring them to sign loyalty pledges?

But then, this is Romney we’re talking about, to whom I suspect we are being much too kind when we say he is a flip-flopper or has no center. He’s actually a sneaky liar, which is altogether different.


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