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Liberals hate children

Liberals hate children

by digby

This is nice. I’m glad that everyone can agree that liberals are the most hate filled baby killers on the planet:

“The hypocrisy of the left that now tried to kill this bill, that says that I should have never signed it, the true hypocrisy is that their one mission in life is to abort children, is to kill children in the womb,” Bryant told conservative radio host Tony Perkins on Tuesday.

Bryant touted the bill, which increases the requirements for doctors to legally perform abortions, as the “the first step” in ending abortions in Mississippi, a goal the governor campaigned on.

“We passed that bill and I think you’ll see other states follow,” Bryant said Tuesday in a video of the radio show segment posted by Right Wing Watch. “And when that happens, at least these fly-in abortionists are going to be regulated under the state laws of the Medical Procedures Act here in the state of Mississippi, as they should be across the nation.”

Well, he partly got that right. I loathe children with a burning passion and I want to kill them all, regardless of whether they are in the womb. It’s just that killing them while they’re inside another person is so much more enjoyable.

I’m not sure what this fellow means by the comment that “fly-in abortionists” should have to be regulated under Mississippi’s state laws, but I’m guessing he meant that the federal government should enact such a law, which would be more than a little bit ironic coming from the state of Mississippi which pretty much invented the States’ Rights doctrine to preserve their own right to discriminate, enslave and kill whomever they choose. Maybe he really thinks that all the other states agree with this blatant manipulation of the law to circumvent the US Constitution they claim they love, but he’s got another thing coming. California’s going in another direction entirely. What are they going to do about that?


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