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Evolution revolution: let’s take on “states’ rights” next, shall we?

Evolution revolution

by digby

So president Obama finally admitted what we all pretty much assumed which is that he is in favor of same-sex marriage. It’s a mainstream Democratic position and his reluctance always seemed fairly inauthentic. This is a very good thing, especially in light of the vote last night in North Carolina. Leadership is important and it was long past time he spoke out. It’s a historical moment and one worth savoring.

He did hedge a bit, however, it must be pointed out. He reportedly also said thathis is a “personal position” and that he “still supports the concept of states deciding issue on their own.” The administration followed up question on the subject saying, “President Obama believes marriage is a state issue and the federal government does not have a role.”
I don’t know that this has any bearing on policy unless the next congress is overwhelmingly liberal and passes a federal gay marriage bill. Certainly, the president cannot unilaterally legalize gay marriage and our system does allow states to make their laws. But it’s not all that different from someone saying in 1963 that it’s their personal belief that it should be legal for people of different races to marry but they support the concept of states deciding the issue on their own. “States’ rights” has always been used as a shield for bigotry.
Hopefully the president’s leadership on this will help change some people’s minds. But until all 31 state constitutional amendments are either repealed or the Supreme Court declares them unconstitutional, we’ll be living in a nation in which some marriages are legal in some places and illegal in others. Here’s hoping that situation ends a little bit sooner as a result of the president’s words today.

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