The Hill is supposed to be the ultimate inside political baseball publication. And yet they write something this wrong about the Primary Accountability Pac:
The group could be a major player in the race: They’ve spent more than $200,000 apiece on a number of races, and can claim at least some credit for knocking off Reps. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), Don Manzullo (R-Ill.) and Jean Schmidt (R-Ohio).
They actually backed Kucinich against Kaptur and lost. Since they are in the business of taking out incumbents of both parties one could argue that they were in a win-win situation, since both Kucinich and Kaptur were incumbents, forced to run against one another as a result of redistricting. But the fact is that they spent money on behalf of Kucinich, not Kaptur. So, they get no credit for that one.