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Dana does it again

Dana does it again

by digby

Oh, Dear God, what is wrong with these people?

The current issue of Newsweek has a photo of President Obama with a rainbow-colored halo superimposed over his head and the title “The First Gay President.”

Nonsense. Obama is not the first gay president. He is the first female president.

Consider his activities on Monday: He sat down to tape a session with the ladies of ABC’s “The View” — his fourth appearance on the talk show by women and for (mostly) women. He accepted an award from Barnard College and gave the commencement speech to graduates of the women’s school. Heck, he even appeared in public wearing a gown.

Obama was still early in his address when he acknowledged that his praise for the young generation of women is “a cheap applause line when you’re giving a commencement at Barnard.”

But Obama was being modest. He didn’t deliver a cheap applause line. He delivered an entire speech full of them. His reelection campaign has been working for months to exploit the considerable gender gap, which puts him far ahead of likely GOP rival Mitt Romney among women. But Monday’s activities veered into pandering, as Obama brazenly flaunted his feminine mystique.[…]

In making the appearance on the Ivy League campus in Manhattan, Obama risked confirming that he is the coastal elitist he’s often accused of being. On that score, it perhaps didn’t help that he shared the stage with fellow honoree Evan Wolfson, founder of Freedom to Marry. The president nodded as Wolfson was hailed for fighting the Boy Scouts’ ban on gay scoutmasters.

Am I the only one who gets the feeling that if Mitt called and wanted to round up some of the boys to shave Barack’s head that Dana Milbank would elbow his way to the head of the crowd? (Plus, girls have cooties …)

But then old Dana has quite the history with nasty puerile jokes:

“Ménage à Stella Artois” manages to be both glibly insulting and extraordinarily un-funny. Milbank and Cillizza, through a series of (bad) puns that use the colorful names of microbrewed beers to poke fun at people in the news (swine flu victims should drink…Isolation Ale! Ha!), suggest, among many other things, that “the entire Republican Congressional leadership team” should drink Satan Red/Devil’s Brew/Fallen Angel/Evil Eye/Hell Bier (get it? because they’re demonic, I guess?). Oh, and that the Secretary of State should drink…Mad Bitch.

What a card.


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