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Romney’s health care plan: If you’ve done everything right we might let you live

If you’ve done everything right we might let you live

by digby

I’m sorry, he’s an asshole:

ROMNEY: So let’s say someone has been continuously insured and they develop a serious condition. And let’s say they lose their jobs or they change jobs or they move and go to a different place, I don’t want them to be denied insurance because they have some pre-existing conditions. So we’re going to have to make sure that the law that we replace Obamacare with, ensures that people who have a pre-existing condition, who have been insured in the past, are able to get insurance in the future so they don’t have to worry about that condition keeping them from getting the kind of health care they deserve.

And the rest of you? Just go die. You don’t “deserve” to have health care. You’re parasites who didn’t do a proper risk assessment and there’s nothing we can do for you.

I guess this is going to be yet another avenue for the Republicans to divide the country. There are good people who’ve been working for the companies that Bain Capital comes along and destroys, and they deserve to be allowed to buy inadequate, unaffordable private insurance if they have an illness and are left with nothing. Everyone else — people who started a business, who couldn’t afford health insurance, who were out of the workforce, who got sick at the wrong time, well — too bad. If you aren’t “talented” enough to be a job creator or don’t have the good sense to know you are a worker drone and if you get sick you must cling to whatever soul-destroying job you have until they fire you, well, you aren’t a Real American, are you?


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