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The rarest experience in the world

The rarest experience in the world

by digby

These Gallup Poll numbers are all pretty much what one would expect in this environment:

I cannot help but wonder about the five percent of Romney voters who think he is more experienced/qualified and than President Obama. Say what you will about him, but I’m pretty sure the only living people who have as much as experience at this job as he does (and are not disqualified from running because they already served two terms) are George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter.

Now, it’s entirely reasonable to believe that that experience is overrated and fresh thinking is necessary, but the fact is that even if you hate him personally and disagree with his policies, you simply can’t compare the president’s experience with Romney’s. Romney has years of experience wrecking companies and one term as Governor of Massachusetts. Obama has been running the world for almost four years. We can count on one hand the number of people alive with that on their resumes.


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