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When offering contraception is totally the same as beheading, by @DavidOAtkins

When offering contraception is totally the same as beheading

by David Atkins

The bishops have decided to go off the deep end again.

The bishops did not shrink from attacking the administration in a dispute that has become their signature issue, one involving what Bishop Stephen Blaire of Stockton called “the most serious intrusion of government that we have ever experienced.”

One speaker at the annual spring meeting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops went so far as to compare the situation confronting the American church to the one that faced Thomas More, the Catholic saint who was beheaded in the 16th century for refusing to accept the supremacy of the English king over the pope.

“We protect the freedom of religion because we think it is wrong to coerce belief,” said John Garvey, president of Catholic University. “Thomas More’s story shows what can happen when those protections break down.”

Aren’t these people part of the same crowd that wants the government to crack down on “Shari’a law”? Ironic on so many levels.


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