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Empowerment Kitsch

Empowerment Kitsch

by digby

I haven’t seen much libertarian kitsch up to now, but it’s obvious I’ve been missing something wonderful:

According to Buzzflash, these paintings get between 50 and 100k, and one of them was bought by Sean “Let Freedom Ring” Hannity.

It’s interesting to note in the one above that Junior Bush is over on the Clinton and Obama side with LBJ and Satan (I’m sure he’s lurking there somewhere.) It seems like only yesterday that the wingnut kitsch was all about him:

President Bush is a Leader who has the courage to lead. It is political courage. It is not poll driven it is conviction driven. It is consistent and does not change because of pressure or threats of political survival. It is reconfirmed every day. It differs from combat courage in that it is thought oriented not reaction oriented. Combat courage does not necessarily translate into political courage. Combat courage is admirable and you only know if you have it when you are in combat. President Bush has demonstrated that he has political courage and this is why he was re-elected. By owning a bust of President Bush, Commander in Chief you will be making a statement and in a politically charged environment, it takes courage.

Those were the days …

Oh, and speaking of combat, you’ll notice that the freedom loving libertarian artist doesn’t have anything to say about imperialism or personal liberty. It’s aaall about money. In fact, you’ll notice that our young hero is holding the constitution in one hand and a wad of cash in the other, which I think is quite apt actually, although I’m not sure the artist meant it quite that way.


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