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A friendly reminder for Sunday morning, by @DavidOAtkins

A friendly reminder for Sunday morning

by David Atkins

Just a friendly reminder on Sunday morning: next time your wingnut uncle or brother-in-law talks about the government’s “out-of-control and irresponsible spending,” remind him that it was just ten years ago that after eight years of Democratic governance, the federal government supposedly had too much money. Some of us had suggested using some of that money for a Social Security “lockbox” for a rainy day, and were roundly mocked for it. Others had insisted to thunderous applause that we instead give a bunch of tax cuts mostly to rich people in a profligate orgy of government giveaways to the nation’s wealthiest people.

Amusingly enough, they called the second group of people “conservatives.” They got their way. Two mostly pointless wars, a drowned city and a deregulation-fueled economic collapse later, and the rest is history.

Also, there’s this:

Don’t play nice, and don’t back down. The last ten years of “conservative” governing philosophy has been such a reckless disaster that each and every one of us must make constant reminders of it to a forgetful public, lest the memory hole swallow it all forever. The “journalistic” profession certainly won’t do it on our behalf. It’s up to each and every one of us to do it, one person at a time.


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