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I envy us. @Chrislhayes is coming to LA to chat w/@theharryshearer and drink liberally.

Chris Hayes coming to LA to drink with liberals and talk with Harry Shearer

by digby

I don’t often embed bloggingheads talks on the blog because I figure that most of you who are into that sort of thing already watch them. I’m publishing this one between Mike Konczal and Chris Hayes because it’s particularly good and because Chris is coming to LA tomorrow where he will be speaking at the Writer’s Guild Theatre with Harry Shearer at 7:30 (reservations required) and then hanging out at Drinking Liberally in Santa Monica around 9:30 or so.

I watched his talk at the New School when it was livestreamed and it was fascinating. (This one should be especially fun because it’s with Derek Smalls.) Chris will already be punch drunk from jet lag and new dad sleep deprivation so who knows what hilarity will ensue at Drinking Liberally? See you there!

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