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Issa goes down the rabbit hole

Issa goes down the rabbit hole

by digby

The other day I wondered when the right wingers had stopped believing that “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” and I mentioned that not even Darrel Issa could believe the silly conspiracy theory they’ve contrived around “Fast and Furious” to explain their sudden concern with guns getting into the hands of the wrong people.

I was wrong:

This morning on “This Week,” Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., continued pressing a conspiracy theory that the botched “Fast and Furious” operation could have been part of a larger plan by the Obama administration to push through tougher gun laws in the United States. But Issa had no firm evidence to back the claim, and said he could not be certain that gun control efforts were ever an original aim of sending guns across the border.

Face it. It’s all they’ve got. Otherwise, they’re turning tripping all over their own contradictions. After all, normally they would have been defending the gun sellers who sold the guns and criticizing the government for interfering with their constitutional right to bear arms. (Surely they’re not saying that government should have stopped these gun sales?)

No, they have to weave some completely ludicrous narrative to explain why they are suddenly concerned with guns getting into the hands of criminals and killing law enforcement officers and this is the best they can do.


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