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Deficit scolds on a bus

Deficit scolds on a bus

by digby

And the Deficit Fetish Club rolls out yet another stunt in preparation for their big Lame Duck moment:


July 25, 2012

The Hon. David M. Walker, former U.S. Comptroller General, today announced a first-of-its-kind national bus tour to engage Americans about our nation’s deteriorating financial condition — and show them what they can do to help restore fiscal sanity.

The “$10 Million a Minute Tour” will help voters understand that we face a fiscal cliff in January 2013 and a possible U.S. debt crisis within the next two years.

No matter what progress we make to improve economic growth and generate jobs, our nation’s current fiscal path puts our collective future severely at risk: jobs, education, health care, a secure retirement, infrastructure, national security, mortgage rates, an effective social safety net to prevent more poverty, and the success or failure of thousands of businesses.

Yet every minute, our nation’s financial hole gets deeper by about $10 million.

The Comeback America Initiative (CAI) has developed a U.S. Financial Burden Barometer (Burden Barometer) to supplement the “National Debt Clock.” The Burden Barometer is a far more accurate measure of our financial situation, since it includes both total liabilities and unfunded promises (e.g., Social Security and Medicare).

“We are at a crossroads in America. Our political leaders can keep hiding their heads in the sand and continue toward economic catastrophe. Or, they can take an honest look at our situation, and lead us by pursuing nonpartisan solutions, that can address our challenges in an effective, equitable, moral and sustainable manner,” said Mr. Walker.

Mr. Walker will kick off the tour in Manchester, N.H. on Sept. 7. From there, the bus will make its way to New York City, then on to at least 16 states, including swing states and key districts.

A who’s who of national leaders support the tour, including:

• Former Senators Alan Simpson (R-WY), Pete Domenici (R-NM), Sam Nunn (D-Ga.), and Judd Gregg (R-N.H.)
• Former Rep. Harold Ford, Jr. (D-TN) and Tom Coleman (R-MO)
• Hon. Erskine Bowles
• Former Director of the OMB and CBO Alice Rivlin
• Former Chairmen of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan and Paul Volcker
• Former DNC Chairs and Governors Ed Rendell and Roy Romer
• Former RNC Chairs and Senators Bill Brock and Mel Martinez
• Former Presidential candidate H. Ross Perot, Sr.
• Former AARP CEO Bill Novelli
• Former Lockheed Martin CEO Norm Augustine
• Former SEIU CEO Andy Stern
• Former Deloitte CEO Mike Cook
• Sojourners CEO Rev. Jim Wallis
• Former HP CEO Carly Fiorina

One measure of the enormity of our problem is that things have actually gotten worse since H. Ross Perot Sr. spotlighted the issue during his presidential campaign. “Our nation’s debt is about four times higher than when I first ran for president in 1992. It’s time to defuse our ticking debt bomb,” said Mr. Perot.

The former Comptroller General of the United States and a former Trustee of Social Security and Medicare, Mr. Walker is currently CEO of the Comeback America Initiative. Mr. Walker will be joined by various other fiscal experts at various stops on the tour.

Please visit the bus tour’s web site at for graphics of the Burden Barometer, a full list of high-profile bus tour supporters, and the tour itinerary.

I have a feeling that nobody in the country knows who any of these people are or care. But I suspect that’s not the point. This is all about building the Village consensus.

(It’s certainly nice to see Andy Stern and the AARP working together with Pete Peterson on this. With friends like these … )

Here’s the list of cities:

Manchester, NH
Friday, September 7 2012

New Haven, CT
Saturday, September 8 2012

New York, NY
Monday, September 10 2012

Philadelphia, PA
Tuesday, September 11 2012

Pittsburgh, PA
Wednesday, September 12 2012

Columbus, OH
Thursday, September 13 2012

Cleveland, OH
Friday, September 14 2012

Brunswick, OH
Saturday, September 15 2012

Milwaukee, WI
Monday, September 17 2012

St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, September 18 2012

Des Moines, IA
Wednesday, September 19 2012

Denver, CO
Friday, September 21 2012

Las Vegas, NV
Monday, September 24 2012

Phoenix, AZ
Tuesday, September 25 2012

Tucson, AZ
Wednesday, September 26 2012

Dallas, TX
Friday, September 28 2012

Orlando, FL
Tuesday, October 2 2012

Jacksonville, FL
Wednesday, October 3 2012

Atlanta, GA
Thursday, October 4 2012

Raleigh, NC
Friday, October 5 2012

Northern VA
Saturday, October 6 2012

Washington, DC
Tuesday, October 9 2012

I don’t know why people think this is in any way trying to influence the election, do you?


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