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Paul Ryan worries about the Makers vs the Takers

Paul Ryan worries about the Makers vs the Takers

by digby

Hey, remember when Paul Ryan said he was all over Ayn Rand and now he’s all Catholic and stuff? Well, it may have become the love that dare not speak its name but it’s clear that Ryan still has deep, deep feelings for the old girl:

Here, let me translate that into the original Randroid:

“The man who attempts to live for others is a dependent. He is a parasite in motive and makes parasites of those he serves. The relationship produces nothing but mutual corruption. It is impossible in concept. The nearest approach to it in reality — the man who lives to serve others — is the slave. If physical slavery is repulsive, how much more repulsive is the concept of servility of the spirit. The conquered slave has a vestige of honor. He has the merit of having resisted and of considering his condition evil. But the man who enslaves himself voluntarily in the name of love is the basest of creatures. He degrades the dignity of man, and he degrades the conception of love. But that is the essence of altruism.– Ayn Rand”

Shhhh. Don’t tell Jesus.


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