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Catfood tastes great and is good for ya too!

Catfood tastes great and is good for ya too!

by digby

For all your detailed information on Paul Ryan’s destructive dystopian plan to kill the safety net, you can go to Strengthen Social Security.

For instance, this seems worth publicizing to me:

Rep. Ryan explicitly rejects lifting the cap on earnings subject to the Social Security tax so millionaires and billionaires contribute to Social Security on all of their income like everybody else, or increasing revenue for the program in any other way. Instead, Rep. Ryan claims, without evidence, that do so would weaken “a growing, prosperous economy.” By contrast, Rep. Ryan embraces the benefit cuts in the Bowles-Simpson proposal, which would cut benefits by 19 percent for the average worker, by raising the retirement age, reducing benefits for individuals with earnings over $37,000, and cutting the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA).

I know that many Democrats would dearly love to embrace this suicidal position too. But I’m hopeful some of them may realize that the people won’t be happy if they know that’s what they’re voting for.

Update: Hahahaha. Old men being thrown to the ground. Funny stuff:

StopPaulRyan here

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