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So much for “my dog Millie”

So much for “my dog Millie”

by digby

Some of you older folks may recall this famous 1992 campaign statement from George Bush Sr:

“my dog Millie knows more about foreign affairs than these two bozos.”

Perhaps a bit less colorfully, one of the primary complaints against Barack Obama was lack of foreign policy experience.

Never say they lack chutzpah:

The same Republicans who criticized President Obama for lacking foreign policy experience in 2008 are now stepping in to defend the dismal international relations record of Romney-Ryan ticket.

Former House Speaker New Gingrich (R) and former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R) on Sunday argued that Romney and Ryan are actually better equipped to lead on international relations than Obama and Biden:

GINGRICH: I think it’s an advantage that they’re not part of the current mess….Mitt Romney has the same amount of foreign policy experience as Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan defeated the Soviet empire decisively in 8 years. I would rather have Romney and Ryan rethinking everything than have the current team continue.

PAWLENTY: Romney and Ryan have a terrific national security policy team around them…Governor Romney spent his entire career in global business arrangements, transactions and traveling and understanding different countries, cultures and geography.

And neither of them served in the military either although that seems to be a criteria that doesn’t apply to Republicans, despite the fact that both Ryan and Romney were were big time supporters of the different wars they could have but didn’t have time to fight.

But anyway, yeah. Hypocrites. Big news.

In googling around, I did find this Youtube that struck me not just for Obama’s prescient quip, but for the way that he presented himself in the foreign policy realm at the time:


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