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Who’s being naive, Kay? Another Republican who can’t believe GOP’s scorched earth tactics were applied to *her*

Who’s being naive Kay?

by digby

Another Republican who had no problem with scorched earth partisanship is now complaining when the crazies it spawned turned their poisonous tactics on her:

[Kay Bailey Hutchinson] lamented the growing political divisions that have run counter to cooperation and compromise. “There is a divide on people who want to achieve something — as Ronald Reagan said, ‘I’d rather have half a loaf than no loaf’ — and people who just want to blow things up.” As for the uncompromising demand for deep budget cuts and dwindling government, she said: “Do you really want to not have bridges and the highways that keep commerce moving?” Perry allies, going full tea party, skewered Hutchison as a Republican in name only (RINO). “In my opinion, there’s no such thing as a RINO. Noting makes me madder than a Republican who makes fun of someone who’s not exactly the way they are. If someone’s a Republican, they should be welcome in the Republican Party.”

Cry me a flippin’ river as Sarah Palin would say. These are your people Kay. You stood by and let them turn politics into even more of a sewer than they already were and never said a word. Perhaps you should have realized that you weren’t really a member of their club and that they would think nothing of turning on you the minute you were no longer the nice Republican lady who did as she was told. Oh well. Buh bye.


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