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A few simple questions, by @DavidOAtkins

A few simple questions

by David Atkins

Since Mitt Romney and other conservatives are so enamored of claiming that the country’s economic problems are somehow the result “debt” and “deficits”, it would be nice if a journalist or debate moderator were to ask bluntly:

“In what specific way has the deficit harmed the American economy over the last four years? Can you name a specific business that has been directly affected by it, and how? Also, do you believe that the Bush Administration’s deficit spending after the Clinton surplus was the cause of the near economic collapse of 2008? How did the Bush Administration’s deficit spending directly cause the economic slowdown?”

Part of the reason conservatives get away with such extremist rhetoric is that the press doesn’t even display the rigor of a high school teacher asking basic questions of her class. Conservative economic policy is babbling, incoherent and hypocritical nonsense when held up to even the slightest scrutiny. All it would take to expose that is a few simple questions, directly and consistently asked.


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