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Akin “apologizes”, by @DavidOAtkins

Akin “apologizes”

by David Atkins

Oh boy:

“Rape is an evil act. I used the wrong words in the wrong way and for that I apologize,” Akin says. “As the father of two daughters, I want tough justice for predators. I have a compassionate heart for the victims of sexual assault, and I pray for them. The fact is, rape can lead to pregnancy. The truth is, rape has many victims. The mistake I made was in the words I said, not in the heart I hold. I ask for your forgiveness.”

This non-apology is so very typical of the fatuous conservative Christian.
1) Refuse to admit that you were wrong. Insist only that you misspoke.

2) Try to sound tough.

3) Refuse to backtrack on the original statement. Akin never said that rapes couldn’t lead to pregnancy in the first place. He said that the female body has ways of decreasing them. His “apology” still hasn’t backtracked from that.

4) Show no real signs of contrition, but only “forgiveness.” “Forgiveness” is the all-purpose conservative Christian get-out-of-jail-free card that lets them be as mean-spirited as they want but have it all turn out OK in the end.

The good news is that Akin is a belligerent SOB who believes that God is calling him to the U.S. Senate through divine providence. And when people believe something like that, nothing will convince them to quit.


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