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Why should women have any say in who fathers their children anyway?

Why should women have any say in who fathers their children anyway?

by digby

Don’t kid yourself. The rape and incest exceptions are dead among Republicans:

The man trying to provide Rep. Todd Akin the softest possible landing after the congressman’s foolish comments about pregnancy and rape was former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, a strong supporter of Akin during his run to represent Missouri in the U.S. Senate.

In the furor over Akin’s remarks and increasing pressure for him to drop out of his race against Sen. Claire McCaskill, Huckabee used his syndicated radio program Monday to give the embattled candidate a safe venue to express remorse and his determination to remain in the race. Huckabee also took the opportunity to cast the best possible light on Akin’s awkward position. The former Arkansas governor and onetime GOP presidential contender suggested a couple of cases in which he suggested that rapes, though “horrible tragedies,” had produced admirable human beings.

“Ethel Waters, for example, was the result of a forcible rape,” Huckabee said of the late American gospel singer. One-time presidential candidate Huckabee added: “I used to work for James Robison back in the 1970s, he leads a large Christian organization. He, himself, was the result of a forcible rape. And so I know it happens, and yet even from those horrible, horrible tragedies of rape, which are inexcusable and indefensible, life has come and sometimes, you know, those people are able to do extraordinary things.”

Isn’t that great? The dumb animals who are forced to go through the pregnancy and childbirth (and are physically reminded of their “horrible, horrible tragedy” every day for the rest of their lives) will just have to suck it up because their off spring might turn out to be a Christian conservative leader. Why should women have any say in who fathers their children in the first place?

And as I wrote yesterday, keep an eye on the exception to save the life of the mother too. They’re edging quickly toward that position as well. That’s where the rubber meets the road and they have to decide between “innocent life” and the dirty girls who got themselves pregnant.

This isn’t a tough call for many of these so-called “pro-life” people. After all, almost all of them are proponents of capital punishment, even if some innocent people get caught in the mix. It’s pretty clear that the only life they value is the one that has not yet been born.


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