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Precious examples of the Republican soul, by @DavidOAtkins

Precious examples of the Republican soul

by David Atkins

Yesterday I posted a story about California’s move to adopt online voter registration. The link I pulled was from my local paper of record, the Ventura County Star.

As you might imagine, the comments from conservatives predictably went off on the usual paranoia about nonexistent “voter fraud.” Granted, the comments from so-called conservatives on most major news websites are appalling, but sometimes it’s worth highlighting them because we must constantly remind ourselves of the base to which most Republican politicians are appealing (to his credit, local Republican county clerk Mark Lunn fully supports the online voter registration push.)

It’s worth reminding ourselves in part because as long as it’s people like these before whom Republican politicians must grovel to win votes, there is no hope for the “reasonable compromise” in government so sought by media elites. So on to the sampling:

From RevTrueGrit (conservatives never use their real names to comment, often trying to pick names that sound badass to themselves, but comical to everyone else…)

More lib voter fraud!!And all the illegals can vote for there
European president Obama,Very sad days Jan 2013 the cliff is here!!


Maybe he can make another new law where he can be
King Obama and be president for the next 30 years,
Glad to see ice suing this fraud admin.
Obama removed 2012

Unindoctrinated wants to let you know that only old white property owners should vote. And that President Obama is a “child:

If you are too immature to register, or not interested enough to register, you should not be voting in the first place. Bleat.

These people are after 18 and 19 year olds, the impressionable, the spoiled, the rebellious, the lazy, the inexperienced; it’s not hard to appeal to the naive. Bleat.

Think about this, hand everything over to your children (accounts, bill paying, planning, shopping…) how long do you think I will take for everything to fall apart? That’s what I thought. Bleat.

By urging uninterested children to vote, and voting for children (our president) how long do you think it will take for everything to fall apart? That’s what I thought. Bleat.

Freedom1 has a different racist paranoid conspiracy:

What if the individual doesn’t have any data on file with the DMV? Now I understand the urgency for Mr. Obama’s new “Dream Act” light being pushed through – got to let them get drivers licences so the system will recognize their signature regardless of their citizenship status or “right” to vote. Very clever. Of course in California it really doesn’t matter – the Dem’s “run” the state (right into the ground)!

Yep. That’s why we’re pushing the DREAM Act. You got us.

Adam_1 is a pillar of humanity who would doubtless be very offended if you called him a racist:

This is a great idea! With computer technology our precious illegal aliens can register to vote, apply for food stamps, make an appointment at one of our overrun emergency rooms, register their anchor babies at one of our lousy public schools, and rip off us hard-working American taxpayers in so many ways. Fantastico!

Yes, with the magic of computer technology, migrant farm workers and the people begging for work outside Home Depot will hop right online to register themselves to vote and bypass security with secret hacker skills, despite limited English skills. Also “hard-working American” could never be a synonym for “white”, could it? Nah.

whosebone steps in for your daily dose of birtherism:

only bring it up change because his bc has been PROVEN to be a manufactured document, he is using a PROVEN fraudulent social security number, and his selective service registration document has been PROVEN to be doctored.

VCforlife is very Christian also:

There have been many Democratic organizations convicted of voter fraud. Most recently in Nevada. In Washington State, the Democratic Party was busted for hiring illegal aliens to register fellow illegals. You and your fellow Liberals can deny the truth. But, we will not. The reason the Democratic Party is fighting for no ID’s to vote, is they want to bus in illegal aliens to polling places. All I know is the Democratic Socialist Marxist Party have no moral compass. If Liberals do not believe a fetus is human life why would you think they care about voting fraud, child molestation(teachers), drug use(Obama),rape(Clinton), murder(Ted Kennedy).

And that’s just one article. On a public news site, not a swampy Republican blog. Comments on the left just don’t even begin to match that level of mean-spirited paranoid ignorance.

As long as this is what the Republican Party is made of, Republican politicians will keep moving rightward, and compromise will be impossible. The only question is whether the media will ever tell the truth about what is going on.


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