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Bubba Speaks

Bubba speaks

by digby

In case you missed it, here’s the whole thing:

Plus this:

Bill Clinton’s Top 10 Best Ad Libs From His D.N.C. Speech

Those of you familiar with social media might have heard tell that former president Bill Clinton’s 48-minute-long speech was about fifteen percent ad lib. For media members with copies of the prepared remarks, the address was something epic fight between the former president and the TelePrompTer, which, per design, stop rolling text whenever Clinton went off script. The machine simply refused to cede any ground to Clinton. Would it skip over paragraphs? Would it replace all his text with a frowning emoticon? The suspense was exhilarating! Below are man’s top ten triumphs over machine: Clinton’s most daring ad libs—phrases he inserted completely out of the blue.

10. “Are you listening Ohio and Michigan?”
9. “This Republican narrative, this alternate universe. . .”
8. “It passes the arithmetic test and more important, it passes the values test.”
7. “We gotta deal with this before it deals with us.”
6. “Democracy does not have to be a blood sport.”
5. “The old economy is not coming back.”
4. “Now you’re having a good time but this is getting serious and I want you to listen.”
3. “This is personal to me.”
2. George Washington was accused of being a “surveyor with a bad set of wooden false teeth.”
1. “You got to admit, it takes some brass to attack a guy for what you did.”

That’s vintage Clinton. Also vintage was the pissing and moaning among the Villagers that he talked to long and didn’t hug Obama warmly enough. Groundhog day.

The best thing about the speech wasn’t the content, although much of that (with some exceptions) was good, it was the fact that he showed America once again that you can talk about policy specifics in a political speech in a way that’s not condescending but is easy to understand. Nobody thinks it’s possible, but he does it. More politicians should try.

The bully pulpit may be bullshit, but educating citizens isn’t.


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