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The seductive referee

The seductive referee

by digby

Greg Sargent explains why the Democrats wanted Clinton to speak at the convention:

Here’s the key to understanding the barn burner of a speech Bill Clinton just delivered. Senior Dems believe Clinton has taken on a unique role in American politics: They think he is seen by genuine undecided and swing voters as a kind of “referee” figure — someone they can trust to tell them what to think about politics and the economy. These voters, Dems believe, think he understands better than any other major figure exactly the kind of economy they want.

I can see that. The Clinton go-go years for those old enough to remember were very prosperous for many Americans. In fact, it was the last time I think middle class people felt particularly prosperous. And he’s obviously associated with that, although is direct responsibility for it is overstated. But hey, all presidents get credit or blame for the conditions of the country during their tenure. And there is no denying that for many people (not all, by any means) the 90s were good times financially. The only people who are still enjoying that kind of ride are plutocrats and Masters of the Universe. (They finally figured out how to keep it all for themselves.)

But what’s really made him that “referee” figure is the fact that the right wingers have rehabilitated him as a way to show contrast with Obama. It’s been hilarious to watch them fawn over a man they impeached and then sit in stunned disbelief when he once again comes out on top. It’s been the pattern with him from the beginning and it’s what drives them nuts. He seduces them too.

And, I confess, I have a soft spot for him for that reason. He provokes them so much and yet they can’t help but fall under his spell. Watching Fox News pundits have apoplexy last night after they spent the past week cynically building Clinton up was undeniably enjoyable.


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