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If rhetoric doesn’t matter, then this doesn’t matter either, by @DavidOAtkins

If rhetoric doesn’t matter, then this doesn’t matter either

by David Atkins

It looks like the President won the ratings competition:

President Barack Obama can beat rival Mitt Romney as a television draw, but can’t eclipse his old self.

The Nielsen company said 35.7 million people watched the final night of the Democratic convention on Thursday between 10 and 11 p.m. Eastern time. That’s when the president delivered his nomination acceptance speech.

Last week, Mitt Romney had 30.3 million viewers for his speech at the GOP convention, with an assist from Clint Eastwood.

And it looks like the President is getting a serious boost in his personal approval rating as well.

I guess none of that matters if the bully pulpit and soapbox are irrelevant to policy and elections. But something tells me the people who say that are wrong.


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