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Romney’s greatest foreign policy coup

Romney’s greatest foreign policy coup

by digby

So there are a substantial number of voters in both Ohio and North Carolina who believe that Mitt Romney is responsible for killing Osama bin Laden. Seriously.

In Ohio:

38% of Ohio Republicans say Barack Obama is most responsible for the bin Laden’s death, 15% say Romney, and 47% were unsure.

In North Carolina:

29% of Republicans said Obama deserves more credit, versus 15% Romney and 56% unsure.

I think Comedy Central gets this one about right:

There’s not much in Romney’s foreign policy that can be credited for bin Laden’s demise, but maybe his anti-porn stance is what drove the al Queda mastermind into the path of a Navy SEAL’s bullet. A connoisseur of smut, what else could bin Laden do when confronted with Romney’s plan to take away his Internet access to Weapons of Ass Destruction IV?

It’s also possible that these majorities of Republican voters who refuse to credit Obama with the Bin Laden’s killing aren’t really answering the question that’s being put to them, just as many Republicans translate questions about Obama’s faith into questions about how much they hate the president. For many voters, telling a pollster that President Obama is a Muslim who doesn’t deserve credit for the country’s most visible recent military achievement is just another way of saying that Obama sucks.

But that can’t be every voter. Somewhere in Ohio or North Carolina, there’s a guy who thinks SEAL Team Six arrived in Pakistan’s on Romney’s charter plane and shot bin Laden using equipment financed by Romney’s off-shore accounts. And that guy’s vote counts just as much as yours.

Scary, isn’t it?


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