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9/11 Is What Happens When Modern Republicans Rule by tristero

9/11 Is What Happens When Modern Republicans Rule

by tristero

I was so totally wrong. With tremendous confidence, I told a friend of mine on 9/11 that Bush would be forced to resign within a week due to his negligence in protecting the country. Shocked, my friend responded, as so many did – even months afterwards – that there was no way Bush could have prevented the attacks, no way he could have predicted or known. Of course he could have, had he and his henchmen been paying attention, I said.

Like I said, I was wrong. Well, about the resigning part, that is.

…the administration’s reaction to what Mr. Bush was told in the weeks before that infamous briefing reflected significantly more negligence than has been disclosed. In other words, the Aug. 6 [2001 brief entitled Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” ], for all of the controversy it provoked, is not nearly as shocking as the briefs that came before it.

Oh, one more thing. After no one dared to move a finger to push Bush out – despite the obvious fact that he had demonstrated a criminal level of incompetence – I cynically sneered that if there was an attack under a Democratic president, Republicans would seize the opportunity to pillory him. Shocked, my friends said that Republicans would naturally rally behind the president and the country during a foreign policy crisis, no matter who was in power.

Uh huh.

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