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Sam Seder needs his own show on MSNBC

Sam needs his own show

by digby

Sam Seder filled in for Chris on “Up” this week-end and did a great job. I really wish MSNBC would give him a show during the week in place of some of the daily shows that are driving me nuts. He’s great in the Hayes format, but I think he’d also be really good in the daily news cycle format they follow during the week. It’s hard to do these shows well and Sam brings a certain performance skill and personality to the genre (which both Chris and Rachel have as well) that most of the wonks don’t possess. Let’s hope MSNBC has the good sense to bring him into the mix. Much of the current weekly line-up is in danger of losing regular viewers (like me.)

Here are a couple of segments from the show this week-end in which he and his guests tackle a highly unusual TV subject — poverty:

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