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This is what a campaign with no answer looks like, by @DavidOAtkins

This is what a campaign with no answer looks like

by David Atkins

Yeah, right:

A top advisor to Mitt Romney said Tuesday that the controversy over the GOP nominee’s comments about President Obama’s supporters as dependent on government and not paying income taxes would blow over.

“It has to,” said senior advisor Kevin Madden, though he said that whether the dust-up would subside was partly dependent on the media. “I think we’ve put in context the focus of the voters out there. And the voters I think are really focused on the big issues related on the economy and the direction of the country. And if we keep our focus on that, then I think ultimately we’re going to be in a better position to win on election day as a result.”

When a campaign’s only answer is to a horrible controversy is to simply say “it’ll go away. It has to, right?” That’s when you know it’s a bigger problem than they can handle.

The 47% Mitt Romney insulted includes seniors, military personnel, and poor hardworking Americans of every race and creed. Count on the Obama campaign to hammer that fact home as we approach election day, and for every Democratic campaign in the country to force their Republican opponents to stand with Mitt, or against the 47% of America struggling to get by.

It’s not going away.


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