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Priorities: libertarian edition


by digby

The libertarian vote:

Among likely libertarian voters, the presidential horserace currently stands:

Romney 77%
Obama 20%
Other 3%

Romney’s share of the libertarian vote represents a high water mark for Republican presidential candidates in recent elections.

I’m not going to argue that on civil liberties, drugs and military adventurism that Obama isn’t something less than a libertarian hero. But if those issues were your priority, you certainly wouldn’t vote for Romney, who is advised by some of the most repressive, warmongering nutballs America has produced in the last hundred years.

Nutballs who would reinstitute torture:

Mr. Romney’s advisers have privately urged him to “rescind and replace President Obama’s executive order” and permit secret “enhanced interrogation techniques against high-value detainees that are safe, legal and effective in generating intelligence to save American lives,” according to an internal Romney campaign memorandum…

“We’ll use enhanced interrogation techniques which go beyond those that are in the military handbook right now,” he said at a news conference in Charleston, S.C., in December.

Whatever. Romney wants to slash taxes for rich people and cut off help for the half of America that are parasites, moochers and looters. That’s what makes him so darned attractive to these highly principled folks.


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