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How a centerfold Senator plays for the meathead vote

How a centerfold Senator plays for the meathead vote

by digby

This may play well with the meathead vote, but it will royally piss off their wives:

I don’t know if anyone’s told Brown that women really, really, really don’t like it when men do this sort of shutdown. But someone should. There are just too many of us.

But this was just downright stupid:

From Steve Benen:

For those who can’t watch clips online, the Republican senator, after a lengthy pause, first named far-right Justice Antonin Scalia. This was no small admission — for all of Scott Brown’s efforts to give the appearance of moderation, here he was, after pausing to reflect on his ideal justice, identifying one of the least moderate justices Americans have seen in a generation.

After months of trying to assure voters he’ll ignore his party’s right-wing inclinations on a host of key issues, Brown endorsed a partisan Supreme Court ideologue who’s eager to do exactly what Brown claims to oppose — including reject privacy and reproductive rights.

In context, it’s true that if you read the transcript, you’ll see that the Republican senator went on to mention Justices Kennedy, Roberts, and eventually Sotomayor. But as the clip makes clear, Brown only mentioned the other names when the audience booed his praise for Scalia, and the senator felt the need to scramble.

You say Scalia when you are from Mississippi, not when you are from Massachusetts. Even the meatheads aren’t that right wing. And there just aren’t enough of them.


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