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The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming!

The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming!

by digby

The stupidest “fraud” post you will see all year, courtesy of the valued member of the best political team on television, Erick Erickson:

The President has come under fire for the shoddy verification processing his campaign does for donations.

In light of this Newsweek story about the Illegal-Donor loophole with Team ObamaA while back, among conservatives, it was even a story that he was doing this shoddy credit card verification for overseas donors.

So, after talking with some lawyers about the process, etc. I donated to Barack Obama. Sort of.

It is rare that I do something where I feel the need to talk to lawyers first. But giving money to Barack Obama was one of those times.

I didn’t actually do it. I made up a name, made up a passport number, made up an address in Russia — hell I made everything up except my credit card number and expiration date.

Got that?

Everything was bull**** except the actual credit card number and expiration date. Everything.

Go try that with Target or Amazon or Apple or Mitt Romney’s campaign and see what happens. Here’s a hint: it’d get rejected.

When the zip code does not match, it would get rejected.

When the name on the card does not match, it will probably get rejected.

When nothing matches, it will get rejected.

Barack Obama’s campaign processed my very generous $5.00 donation.

It sounds bad, doesn’t it? The Obama campaign took a five dollar donation from some treacherous Russkie! Who knows how much he’s into these folks? Why, they might have collected 50 bucks or more.

But the story doesn’t end there:

For several days my bank listed it as processing. Then this is where the anti-climactic end to my story comes. The donation ultimately did not go through.

But don’t let that get in the way of your amazing tale of intrigue and suspense. Clearly, the Obama campaign is in league with the commies. I mean, we know that. It’s just a matter of smokin’ ’em out o their caves.

Sure, this may not prove anything. But I don’t think it passes the smell test anyway. The minute some foreigner tries to infiltrate America by trying to donate an illegal fiver through an online site, a drone plane ought to zap them with a laser beam where they sit. Why are we fooling around here?

Here’s hoping Erickson gets CNN to blow the lid off thing thing before the election.

Oh, and by the way, don’t worry your pretty little heads about all the shady Chinese mafia money billionaire Sheldon Adelson has funneled into Romney’s campaign, which he openly admits is to shield himself from prosecution.


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