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Quotes of the day: libertarian edition

Quotes of the day: libertarian edition

by digby

These are both from an interesting post at Corey Robin’s place about the libertarian experiment going on in Honduras after the American backed coup, (also known as Back to the Future Part II) It sounded very familiar to me and then I remembered: Iraq. They also set out to create a free market paradise there, you’ll recall, by sending Heritage Foundation interns over to create new private institutions from he ground up. How’d that work out?

Anyway, the post he cites from Greg Grandin features two quotes from noted libertarian sources who are down there working on the project. The first is Milton Friedman’s grandson Patri:

“Democracy is the current industry standard political system, but unfortunately it is ill-suited for a libertarian state.”

and renowned libertarian Peter Thiel, founder of Paypall and bankroller of FB and another supporter of the Honduran scheme, who wrote:

“Most importantly, I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.”

This is a subject Robin has gotten into before and was greeted with howls of dissent from many of those who consider themselves libertarians. But it’s true. When push comes to shove, markets must rule, not people.


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