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An election, delegitimized, by @DavidOAtkins

An election, delegitimized

by David Atkins

No matter who wins re-election, look out below:

PPP polls over the weekend found:

-In Ohio 62% of Republicans think Democrats will engage in voter fraud to make sure that Barack Obama wins. 50% of the Democrats think that the GOP will engage in voter fraud to ensure a Romney victory.

-In Florida 60% of Republicans think Democrats will engage in voter fraud to make sure that Barack Obama wins. 55% of the Democrats think that the GOP will engage in voter fraud to ensure a Romney victory.

-In North Carolina 69% of Republicans think Democrats will engage in voter fraud to make sure that Barack Obama wins. 51% of the Democrats think that the GOP will engage in voter fraud to ensure a Romney victory.

Note that the margin of Republicans who believe in fraud is much higher than for Democrats.

But if the entire kit and kaboodle comes down to Ohio, neither side is going to believe it was won legitimately.

Difference is, Democrats will roll over and sigh in resignation while Republicans will go on speaking about “your President” and stocking up on guns and ammunition.

The divides in this country are going to get much worse before they get much better. The Village will decry this, but it is as it should be, and how it has always been. We’ve even had a civil war over it. There are huge issues at stake, with the lives of millions in the balance regarding climate, healthcare and a host of other concerns.

And with respect to the biggest regional divide, the Slave States vs. the Free States, things haven’t changed much in the last 200 years.


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