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Want to help the climate? Then help out these climate heroes, by @DavidOAtkins

Want to help the climate? Then help out these climate heroes

by David Atkins

For those of us depressed over the utter inattention to humanity’s most pressing issue, climate change, during the Presidential race, there is something we can do: help candidates who put fighting climate change front and center in their campaigns.

The good people at Climate Heroes have looked all across the country and picked out a few candidates who deserve our support for their efforts to tackle this incredibly important problem. Among them:

* Jay Inslee, running for Governor of Washington. Introduced the New Apollo Energy Act in Congress.

* Tammy Baldwin, running for WI-Sen. Serves on House Energy & Commerce Committee, fighting for clean energy and climate action.

* Martin Heinrich, running for NM-Sen. Opposed the Keystone pipeline and a dedicated warrior on climate issues.

There are many others, including Mazie Hirono (HI-Sen), Chris Murphy (CT-Sen) and Elizabeth Warren (MA-Sen) on the Senate side. On the House side are the likes of Ami Bera (CA-07), Julia Brownley (CA-26), John Delaney (MD-06), Joe Miklosi (CO-06), Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01), and Betty Sue Sutton (OH-16).

Please head over and contribute what you can. Right now the only people most politicians pay attention to are the deep-pocketed oil companies and their friends. We’ll never have as much money as they do, but we can at least try to give our climate champions some dedicated support and a fighting chance.


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