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Hey girl: did you know that fair pay is a “left wing agenda”? #weareallleftwingersnow

Hey girl: did you know that fair pay is a “left wing agenda”?

by digby

If so, I’d guess that oh, at least 70% of the nation is leftist.

That’s according to Mitt Romney surrogate, Barbara Comstock on Andrea Mitchell’s show this morning:

MITCHELL: A lot of young women whom I’ve heard from in the last 48 hours were offended by that, by that whole idea that you need flex time because you’ve got to be the little woman running home and cooking dinner.

COMSTOCK: No, the flex time, in fact, the Deputy Chief of Staff for Mitt Romney was a man who had young children and that flex time extended to them. And there was another – I mean, this is a family-friendly environment. What he did — this is a man —

MITCHELL: I’m just saying that’s not what he said that night.

COMSTOCK: Yeah, but I can tell you, having watched — when you watch how women reacted to that in realtime, which Lilly Ledbetter and these other women, who are trying – I mean, they have a left wing agenda that they’re trying to make an issue of a statement that women didn’t respond that way, and that I understand there may be partisans who respond that way but real women out there in the working world appreciate male and female bosses who accommodate their schedules and time.

If you aren’t familiar with Comstock, read all about here, here. Let’s just say that there are agendas and then there are “agendas.”

And I think we all know that the “right wing agenda” doesn’t include flex time for families. Seriously, it’s completely preposterous for this wingnut assassin to suggest it does.


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