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Meatheads for Brown

Meatheads for Brown

by digby

It looks like Scott Brown’s outreach to the meathead demographic has been very successful:


n a television advertisement running as recently this week, Sen. Scott Brown’s (R-Mass.) reelection campaign featured a union construction worker whose publicly accessible Facebook page is riddled with insults against Brown’s Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren and President Barack Obama.

On one post made in August, well before Brown’s ad appeared, the worker, George Patriarca, calls Warren a “DOUCHEBAG.” On another he labels the president a “faggot,” and on a third he says, “there is a Muslim in the White House.”
Discussing his star turn on his Facebook page, Patriarca says that he “opened up a can of worms” with his union, the Sprinkler Fitters and Apprentices Local Union 550, which supports Warren.

“My intent was not to piss anyone off, but to do my due diligence … and some people got offended,” he writes.

Attempts to reach Patriarca for comment via his Facebook page and through his union got no response. The Brown campaign did not return a request for comment.

Patriarca’s views are available for perusal for anyone with a Facebook account, and from some of his posts, it is clear that he relishes his provocative online persona.

“I attended Brandeis,” he says underneath one photo. “Jew U. Great school. the people, not so much. One thing I learned is that Jews have a persecution complex and they hate themselves. That is why I believe they vote for liberals.”

Scott Brown must be so proud to have such supporters.

His union, by the way, has endorsed Warren. Unlike the corporate authoritarians, they do not suppress and threaten their members from expressing their political views. Of course, here in California, business groups have put a misleading proposition on the ballot trying to stop unions from participating in elections at all. Can’t be too careful.


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