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Today’s looney GOP candidate comment

Today’s looney GOP candidate comment

by digby

… so far.

Republican Rep. Joe Walsh, running against Democratic challenger Tammy Duckworth in Illinois, told reporters Thursday night that there should be no abortion exception for the “life of the mother” because “with modern technology and science, you can’t find one instance” in which a woman would actually die, according to a radio station. Walsh, of course, is flat wrong.

“There is no such exception as life of the mother, and as far as health of the mother, same thing,” Walsh continued. The comments were first reported by the Illinois radio station WGN.

“There is no such exception as life of the mother, and as far as health of the mother, same thing, with advances in science and technology,” Walsh said, according to the video above.

I realize that Joe Walsh is a clown who says something completely outrageous every other day. And you would think that the RNC would be thrilled to see him out of their hair considering what a nutball he is. But there’s not much they can do about it, even if they want to:

A conservative SuperPAC touting Duckworth rival Joe Walsh is preparing to dump an extra $2.5 million into the heated 8th Congressional District race — on top of $2 million it has already spent, a source familiar with the plan told the Chicago Sun-Times.

The idea is to “bury Duckworth,” the source said.

This turns out to be from a group Walsh once worked for:

A 2009 New York Times article profiled the group saying: “Americans for Limited Government does not specialize in nuance. A recent e-mail message labeled Mr. Obama “the biggest liar of all,” and a piece on Mr. Obama’s enthusiasm for the national volunteer service agency AmeriCorps suggested a parallel with Hitler Youth.”

Mother Jones tracked the money to … the usual suspects:

Americans for Limited Government was co-founded in 1996 by real estate investor Howard Rich, who also serves on the boards of the Cato Institute and the Club for Growth. According to Politico, ALG has been among the recipients of funding from the extensive donor network established by the billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch. ALG has also employed Sean Noble, according to Politico, who helped to oversee how the Koch donor network’s contributions were spent.

Of course.

Joe Walsh is a blithering idiot, but he’s the Koch brothers’ blithering idiot.


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