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Women’s sexual empowerment is a terrifying thing for some people, by @DavidOAtkins

Women’s sexual empowerment is a terrifying thing for some people

by David Atkins

This cute and harmless short video by Lena Dunham has the conservative establishment in an apoplexy of terror:

For people with a healthy view of sexuality, it’s an interesting and charming metaphor designed to turn out the youth vote. Nothing too remarkable.

But then, wingers aren’t exactly healthy in the sexuality department. Check Erick Erickson’s twitter feed:

What’s worse than the Obama as is that some people really like it. We do live in a fallen, depraved world destined for the fire.


Romans 1 teaches that when God turns a people loose the first sins they embrace are the sexual lusts of the flesh.

Of course, it’s not just conservative men. There’s always Monica Crowley:

1 of the many sick things about this degrading Lena Dunham “lose your virginity to Barack” ad? The Left thinks it’s “empowering” to women.

These are some very sick people, and they cannot be allowed to run this country.


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