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Last pre-election hissy fit

Last pre-election hissy fit

by digby

I say last pre-election day hissy fit, rather than election hissy fit, because if this goes into overtime, you can expect full blown demonic possession on a minute by minute basis.

But for now, I’d guess this will be the last call for the smelling salts from the very delicate rightwingers whose fragile sensibilities have been repeatedly assaulted by the Animals in the Democratic Party during this campaign. I suppose it was inevitable that they would have to suffer one final insult so vile that they must retire to the fainting couch for the evening with a large bottle of Laudanum and a bowl of bonbons to console themselves:

Rapper Jay-Z while performing at an Obama campaign rally in Ohio Monday substituted the name “Mitt” for the word “b-tch” in the lyrics to his song “99 Problems.”

Before doing so, he told the crowd he didn’t get it vetted by the campaign

On Fox, the Lavyrle Spencer ladies quilting bee society was practically speaking in tongues from all that horrible testosterone in one place:

The humanity!

I wish I could say that this will all end when the election is over. But it won’t.

Update:  This is just sad:

(The Blaze) – New York Times best-selling author Brad Thor, based in Chicago, tells TheBlaze that the Obama campaign may be planning to preemptively announce victory in the presidential election based on early voting numbers in an attempt to “demoralize Mitt Romney supporters.”

Citing a “very solid source” in Chicago, Thor says the Obama campaign is looking to make it appear to voters that they have “this thing sewed up and are less than 24 hours to victory,” according to his source.

Meanwhile, team Obama will also urge voters to get out and vote so they can say they were part of the important 2012 election that resulted in a second term for Obama.

While Thor can’t reveal his source, he told TheBlaze multiple times that the source is very reliable.

The flip side of the coin, the author explained, is that the Obama campaign is counting on the mainstream media to drive home their narrative should they implement this strategy.

“They are so invested in Obama,” Thor said of the media. “I don’t see how any truth loving person could look to the mainstream media ever again. This election should be the final nail in the coffin with the mainstream media.”


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