Carlos Marx and the parasites
by digby
It’s been very heart warming to see some of the GOP stars reevaluate their relationship to the Hispanic community in light of its wholesale rejection of the Party in this last election. They must “reach out” and tell them how much they are valued. It’s reminiscent of the approach George W. Bush took during his career in which he spoke Spanglish and promised comprehensive immigration reform. He even attempted to do it. And remember what happened? The GOP base had a meltdown.
Have they changed? I don’t know. But if these words from popular talk show host and Director of Issues Analysis for the American Family Association, Bryan Fischer, are any indication, not much:
“Hispanics are not Democrats, don’t vote Democrat because of immigration,” Fischer told his audience today.
“It has to do with the fact that they are socialists by nature. They come from Mexico, which is a socialist country. They want big government intervention, they want big government goodies.”
“Now they want open borders — make no mistake — because they’ve got family and friends that they want to come up and be able to benefit from the plunder of the wealth of the United States, just as they have been able to do.”
True, it’s slightly different from the stealing our jobs mantra, but it fits in nicely with the “dropping anchor babies” issue. And the parasites meme has always been a one-size fits-all for the eliminationist right. (They’ve really warmed to the more abstract Randian definition of the concept, but I would have to guess that the more “traditional” lizard brain usage is at work as well.)
Maybe the base is chastened and will see the necessity of welcoming our Hispanic brothers and sisters into the fold after all these years of fear and loathing. But I wouldn’t bet the future of the party on it.